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Talk Community Directory News



Places where kids can eat free (or for £1) this Easter

A list of places in Herefordshire that are doing children eat free or for £1 this Easter.

Whooping cough cases are on the rise in the UK

Latest updates from the UK Health Security Agency shows whooping cough cases are on the rise. Find out more about symptoms and how to stay protected.

Food resources in Herefordshire - recipes, community meals and more


Are you missing out on Pension Credit? (Join the 1.4 million pensioners already receiving it)

Find out about eligibility and how to apply for Pension Credit.

Healthy Lifestyle Service Family Group Sessions

New family groups focused around the health and wellbeing of you and your family.

TECS Marketplace Event in Hereford

TECS Marketplace Event at Herefordshire Council Offices Plough Lane, this February.

Measles is currently circulating in the West Midlands

Spot the signs and symptoms of measles and find out how to protect yourself, your family and your community.


Financial Support for Families with Children Under 5

Find out how the Household Support Fund can help you and your family, if you are struggling with the cost of living. 

World Café Event for Time to Talk Day

Free event at University of Worcester Arena

HAF Provider Applications open for Easter 2024

The holiday activity and food programme is back for Easter 2024, and we’re looking for new providers!

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