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Privacy Notice

Our Privacy Notice explains how we use any data we collect from you through the Talk Community Directory website and how we will protect and respect it.

Information we collect

In order to provide an appropriate service, it is necessary for us to collect information from our registered organisations / services / groups and visitors to our website, some of which is optional.

  • Feedback: This is collected through website feedback forms and social media and is anonymised data (feedback forms only), which is provided voluntarily and used to make improvements to the website.

  • Site usage information: This is obtained from log files and web analytics applications and is anonymised data, which doesn’t contain personal information about users.  It includes number of website users, page views etc.

  • Personal information: If you use an e-mail address to create a My Information Booklet, this information is not retained.

  • Provider information: If you register to use Talk Community Directory as an organisation / service / group, including if you’re an individual providing services.  This information can be used to ascertain the number and types of services registered, where they’re located within Herefordshire etc.  We may also contact you to update or improve the accuracy of your information on the directory or if there’s a problem with your account and to notify you of any relevant information, services and events.

  • Event information: If you provide a name and contact details in order to promote your activities and events on Talk Community Directory.  This information can be used to ascertain the number and types of activities / events listed, where they’re held within Herefordshire etc.

The only identifiable data we collect / process, is if you register as a provider of goods or services on Talk Community Directory, whether as an individual or an organisation.  The consent you provided at the time of registration, is the legal basis for processing your data, which you can withdraw at any time, by contacting the Talk Community Directory Team, using the details at the bottom of the page.

Who processes your data?

All personal data held, is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, and the data controller for the information outlined within this Privacy Notice, is Herefordshire Council.

The data you provide is processed jointly by Herefordshire Council and PeoplePlacesLives (PPL), which is responsible for the hosting and maintenance of the Talk Community Directory website.

Providing accurate information

It’s important that we hold accurate and up to date information about you in order to ensure the Talk Community Directory remains a reliable resource.  If any of your details have changed, or change in the future, please ensure you update your account / service(s) on the directory.  All provider records are reviewed and updated on an annual basis by the Talk Community Directory Team to ensure the information is still accurate.  If a provider fails to respond to a request to review / update information, they will be suspended from the website.

Protecting your data

We will not normally share your information with other organisations, without your consent.  An exception would be if you’ve asked for advice or support from a different Herefordshire Council department, such as adult social care, whereby we would provide your details to the relevant team / department, so they can assist you directly.  There may be other circumstances where we would share without consent, such as where we are required to do so by law to safeguard public safety or in risk of harm or emergency situations.  In all cases, any information shared would be on a minimum need to know basis only, with appropriate individuals, for the relevant stated purpose.

We only keep your information for the minimum period necessary.  The information outlined within this Privacy Notice, will be kept until such time as you request to remove your details from the Talk Community Directory or for as long as the website continues to operate.  All information will be held securely and destroyed under confidential conditions.


Talk Community Directory uses cookies to measure website usage through Google Analytics.  These cookies collect anonymous information about how visitors use our site, including the number of visitors, where they’ve come to the site from and the pages they’ve visited.  Please refer to Google’s privacy policy for additional information.

If a website user doesn’t wish to receive a cookie, then it is their responsibility to set their browser accordingly to reject or deny it.

Talk Community Directory also links to third-party websites and hosts a number of embedded videos, from companies such as YouTube and Vimeo, which utilise cookies and therefore may enable third-parties to collect or share your data.  Please refer to the third-party organisations individual privacy policies for more information.

Social media

If you contribute to any Talk Community Directory social media channels, your contribution will be governed by the appropriate social media platform’s privacy policy.  Herefordshire Council has a separate acceptable use policy and guidelines relating to contributions to online communities linked to or visible from the Talk Community Directory website.

Request information

You have the right to request access to personal information / data held about you by Talk Community Directory, to inspect it and have it amended or erased if it’s incorrect.

To access your records, you need to put your request in writing and provide proof of identification.  To find out more, please visit Herefordshire Council’s access to information page.

You also have a right to make a complaint about our handling of your personal data to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Contact Talk Community Directory

If you need any further assistance with our Privacy Notice or with using the directory, please contact:

Disclaimer: Talk Community Directory has only carried out limited checks on the information providers submit to the website, for example to confirm it's in the appropriate format and all required fields have been completed. Therefore it isn't in a position to know if providers are qualified, licensed or able to meet the needs of individuals, it is the responsibility of each individual to assess if a provider is suitable. Whilst we regularly review our content to try and ensure it is accurate and up to date, we can't guarantee that the information supplied by providers is always current. View full disclaimer