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Talk Community Directory News



The State of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector in Herefordshire

A report commissioned by Herefordshire council and hvoss is now available to read in full

Six things people can do to help themselves and the NHS this winter

Doing these six simple things this winter can you help you stay well and help prevent additional pressures on the NHS.



Herefordshire Community Wellbeing Survey

Talk Community at Herefordshire Council have launched a survey to find out how we can best support you and your community.


Council launches a directory of warm spaces ready for winter

Talk Community at Herefordshire Council has launched an online directory of warm spaces ready for the winter.


Quit smoking, start saving
Herefordshire and Worcestershire launch new orange button community scheme to support people with suicidal thoughts

People in Worcestershire and Herefordshire who have suicidal thoughts, or are worried about a friend or family member, will soon be able to get support when they see someone wearing a distinctive orange badge. 


Shake up your summer!

This summer, Better Health have again teamed up with Disney to help get kids active throughout the holidays by playing free 10 Minute Shake Up games.

Reap repair rewards

Could you run a repair cafe?

Do you enjoy tinkering and fixing old toasters radios and the like? Do you love getting involved with community projects? Find out more!

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