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WOW Activities

WOW activities support the social, emotional, and physical wellbeing of families during the cost of living crisis, by enabling them to access free activities. All events will include free hot food and drink. Families will be able to access information and advice to support them around the cost of living. 

It's not just for children, it's for all the family!

Mother sat cupping a drink, smiling down at child. In the background another couple chat


Do keep checking this page as more WOW Activities will be added regularly


The Core, Foley Trading Estate, Hereford, HR1 2SF
Roller skating + food +drink

  • 16th August 1-3pm
  • 23rd August 1-3pm
  • 6th September 4-6pm

Dandy Lions, St Thomas Cantilupe School, Coningsby Street, Hereford, HR1 2DY
Forest school crafts, cooked meals over a campfire and hot + cold drinks

  • 4th August 11am-3pm
  • 13th August 11am-3pm
  • 18th August 11am-3pm
  • 1st September 11am-3pm


St Martin's Foodshare, 89 Ross Road, Hereford, HR2 7RJ
Weekly gentle walk to Bishop’s Meadow, outdoor games + a picnic packed lunch
Meet at Hunderton Scout Hut

  • 31st July from 12:00
  • 7th August from 12:00
  • 14th August from 12:00
  • 21st August from 12:00
  • 28th August from 12:00


Wye Circus, Units 6-7 Fields Yard, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0EL
Movie mornings and afternoon of circus skills and games + a picnic style lunch with hot and cold drinks

  • 3rd August 10:30am-2pm
  • 7th August 10:30am-2pm
  • 12th August 10:30am-2pm
  • 25th September 10:30am-2pm



Barons Cross Community Centre, Portna Way, Leominster, HR6 9AD
Indoor + outdoor games, and hot food

  • 30th July from 12:00
  • 13th August from 12:00
  • 20th August from 12:00
  • 29th August from 12:00
  • 3rd September from 12:00




The Stables, St Mary's Church, Madley, Hereford, HR2 9LS
Come along for board games, craft and activities + hot food and drink. 

  • 16th July 3:30pm-6pm 
  • 23rd July 3:30pm-6pm 
  • 30th July 3:30pm-6pm 
  • 6th August 3:30pm-6pm 
  • 13th August 3:30pm-6pm 
  • 20th August 3:30pm-6pm 
  • 27th August 3:30pm-6pm 


Pentre Farm, Pentre, Radnor, LD8 2RP
Hands on with the animals + hot meals made on the farm

  • 31st July 4pm-6pm 
  • 9th August 4pm-6pm 
  • 20th August 4pm-6pm  
  • 29th August 4pm-6pm 




WOW Activities are funded by the Department for Work and Pensions

page updated 25 July 2024

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