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Talk Community Hubs: Ross-on-Wye

A photo of the River Wye from Wilton Bridge in Ross-on-Wye

An exterior photo of Lea Village Hall

Lea Community Hub

Lea Village Hall, Lea, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 7JY
07718 065946 (before 6pm)

We are a very friendly, growing team, here to offer you guidance on how to find the services and facilities you need, both here in the village and in Herefordshire generally.  All discussions are confidential and aimed at giving you the information you need for your specific requirements.

Once Covid-19 restrictions allow, our hub will run on the first and last Wednesday of each month, alongside our monthly coffee mornings and lunch clubs, at Lea Village Hall.

To keep up to date with all the latest local news, take a look at The Chimes Online website or call us on 07718 065946 (before 6pm).

The Garron Centre

The Garron Centre

The Garron Centre, St Deinst Church, Llangarron, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 6NJ

The Garron Centre is the latest Community Hub to be set up in the Ross-on Wye area.  Two cafes are held monthly: the PCC Café is held on the second Saturday of the month from 10.00 – 12.00 and the LCA Community Café is held on the fourth Saturday of the month from 11.00 – 13.00.

You’re welcome to come along to these friendly hubs.  The Café mornings serve coffee, teas, bacon sandwiches and cakes. There are plenty of opportunities to catch up on village life, meet new friends, and get support! You can also access information from Talk Community Herefordshire website for help and support on a wide range of topics.

The LCA and PCC respectively also organise a variety of community events such as live music events, dine events, quizzes, fish & chip evenings etc for the benefit of residents and people in neighbouring villages. The centre is also available for private hire, please see our website for further information.

Get in touch (emails usually answered within 24 hours)

Facebook: Llangarron Village and Garron Centre


Inside the Garron Centre

Talk Community banner on a wall, with steps leading up to Llanwarne Village Hall

Llanwarne Wellbeing Hub

Llanwarne and District Village Hall, Llanwarne, HR2 8JE

Visit our friendly café and market hub every Saturday morning from 10am to 12pm.  Our Talk Community Hub offers a pop up market for you to browse and buy a range of fantastic  local produce and products.  There’s also a café for you to join us for a cuppa and a slice of cake.

Following our recent refurbishment, Llanwarne Wellbeing Hub is a welcoming place to come along and socialise with others from our local community.  There are volunteers at hand to help, if you’d like to find out more about what is happening in Herefordshire, how to access services online and who is there to support you or to just have a chat.

To find out more, please get in touch via

A hub volunteer holding a laptop

Ross Good Neighbours logo

Ross Good Neighbours

01989 313002

Ross Good Neighbours, run by Ross-on-Wye Community Development Trust, offer services, support, information and signposting for residents in Ross-on-Wye and the surrounding areas.  The services can include shopping, household tasks and befriending. 
Our hub is currently accessible via our telephone helpline, which is open every Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, but you can leave a message 24/7 and a friendly volunteer will call you back.  Simply call 01989 313002 and select option 2 or alternatively, if you'd prefer, you can also e-mail us at

One of our friendly helpline volunteers...

A Ross Good Neighbours volunteer answering a call in her garden

The Talk Community Hub stall at Ross-on-Wye Community Garden

Ross-on-Wye Community Garden

Old Gloucester Road, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 5AA

Our free information stall is available every Wednesday and Friday, between 10:00am and 12:00 pm, in our wonderful garden. 

Come along to meet our friendly and helpful volunteers, who will be able to provide you with information and signposting to services, groups and activities in the local area or across the county. 
To find out more, simply pop along and say hello or e-mail A fantastic way to meet with other local residents and groups, enjoy a chat in beautiful surroundings. 

Don't forget to keep up to date with all our latest news, via our Facebook page.

Ross-on-Wye Swimming Pool

01989 763487  •  Ross-on-Wye Swimming Pool, Red Meadow, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 7DB

We’re proud to be a Talk Community Hub, to be a part of helping people connect to their local services and groups in their community.

Ross-on-Wye Swimming Pool is somewhere you can come along to, during our opening hours, to access information to support your wellbeing and independence, and find out what's on in your local area.  We have free internet access and a laptop here for you to use, and our friendly staff are on hand to help.

A group activity at Walford Community Support Scheme

Walford Community Support Scheme

The Hub, Walford Village Hall, Walford, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 5QR
07493 171430  •

Our friendly, volunteer run hub offers regular coffee mornings, lunch clubs, seated exercise classes and craft sessions.  The hub can also offer support with IT, transportation for appointments, shopping, gardening and signposting to local services, groups and activities.

Our hub provides a safe and unique place to socialise with others in the local community.

To find out more about what we can offer, including when we meet, please get in touch or keep up to date via our Facebook page.

Drop into Whitchurch and Ganarew’s one of a kind Talk Community Hub events for a range of fun activities! There is something for everyone listed below.

You can also find out how to find information and support help you live well through our Talk Community volunteers and the directory. For more information please see the Whitchurch and Ganarew Parish Council website which has a full list of activities, it also has lots of contact details for the information below.

Activities at Whitchurch Memorial Hall

  • Short mat bowls - Monday and Thursday afternoon each week, 2pm to 4.30pm
  • Table tennis - Wednesday evening each week
  • Art group - Tuesday afternoon each week, 2pm to 4.30pm
  • Yoga - Tuesday evening each week
  • Snooker - Tuesday evening and Thursday afternoon
  • Paws and claws dog group - Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday afternoons each week, 2pm to 4.30pm
  • Silver swans ballet - Seniors and children classes Wednesday morning 10am to 12noon, and Monday evenings during term time

Activities with the Good Neighbour Scheme

  • Community lunch - St Dubricius church second and fourth Mondays each month
  • Sticky Little Fingers - Mothers and children are invited during the preschool term time at Whitchurch Primary School on Tuesday mornings, 10am to 12noon
  • Coffee morning and social chat - St Dubricius church first and third mornings each week, 10am to 12noon
  • Knitter and natter social chat and friendship group - St Dubricius church Thursday afternoons each week, with tea and cakes

Come along to our welcoming Talk Community Hub Community Lunches at Bridstow Parish Hall which are held quarterly on the following dates:
- April 20th – Book by 10th April
- July 20th – Book by 10th July
- October 19th – Book by 9th October

Book by ringing Carrie – 01989763507

You’ll be able to access lots of supportive health and wellbeing information and get to know what’s on in your local community at the same time. 

Participate in the raffle at £1 strip. 

£12 a lunch - cash payments accepted

The hub is volunteer-led who look forward to welcoming you!

Disclaimer: Talk Community Directory has only carried out limited checks on the information providers submit to the website, for example to confirm it's in the appropriate format and all required fields have been completed. Therefore it isn't in a position to know if providers are qualified, licensed or able to meet the needs of individuals, it is the responsibility of each individual to assess if a provider is suitable. Whilst we regularly review our content to try and ensure it is accurate and up to date, we can't guarantee that the information supplied by providers is always current. View full disclaimer