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Oldilocks and the Three Bears

Date: Sunday 10 March 2024 Time: 2:30pm - 3:30pm Venue: Market Theatre, Ledbury Cost: Adults £12, Children £6 Organiser: Arts Alive
One winter, Oldilocks finds a teddy bear in the park and remembers a delicious bowl of porridge she tasted years ago in the woods. Something else happened but she can’t quite remember what… so she sets off for the forest. Will she find the bears house and what will happen then?

A wonderfully funny and warm hearted celebration of the classic story starring a naughty old lady who looks very familiar… and 3 funny bears who love their breakfast. Garlic Theatre hold their young audience spellbound with lovingly crafted puppets, music and some steaming bowls of porridge.

"The show was outstanding! My 3 year old loved it" - Audience feedback, Sawston Library
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