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Wellbeing Walks for Autistic Adults.

Date: Wednesday 22 May 2024 Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm Venue: Queenswood Country park, Dinmore, Leominster, HR6 0YB Cost: FREE Organiser: Autism West Midlands
Wellbeing walks for autistic adults. 

An opportunity for autistic adults aged 16+ (diagnosed, waiting an assessment, identifying as autistic, or exploring a possible diagnosis are all welcome) to enjoy an advisor-led walk at Queenswood each month. 

An opportunity to meet other autistic adults, talk to staff from Autism West Midlands and enjoy nature in a calm outdoor setting.

There is no expectation to talk or socialise and you are welcome to bring along any support tools you need.

We will be meeting outside the Visitor Centre/Gift Shop entrance. Car parking is available and there is also a bus stop at the top of Dinmore Hill. Toilets and café on site.

An Autism Specialist from Autism West Midlands will be leading the walk and will be able to provide informal advice and signposting to services if needed.

Autism friendly
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