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It's time for a Friendly February

01 February 2022

A smiling young woman, standing in front of a bright yellow wall

This month, join Action for Happiness for a ‘Friendly February’!

Even though Covid restrictions are once again easing, the pandemic is continuing to have an impact on people’s lives.  This month, let's focus on reaching out and connecting with others and doing our best to be a good friend, neighbour or colleague.  Our acts of kindness and connection, no matter how big or small, can have a positive impact on so many people, probably more than we realise….plus, it helps give our own happy hormones a major boost too!

This February, make a difference for yourself and others, by taking the daily actions on the fantastic Action for Happiness calendar, because as Mark Twain said, “the best way to cheer yourself up, is to cheer someone else up"!

The actions don’t take much time or effort and range from simply telling a loved one or friend how special they are to you to smiling at the people you see and brightening their day too.

Get involved today by downloading the free Friendly February calendar or visiting the Action for Happiness website.

Let’s be happier, kinder, together!

Action for Happiness Friendly February calendar

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