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Leominster Food Bank

Supporting people in Leominster and the surrounding area, working to relieve and prevent food poverty.

Leominster Food Bank provides food for individuals and families that are experiencing emergency hardship, situations such as unemployment, an unexpected bill or benefit delays. We work by means of a voucher referral system, where agencies can issue vouchers or refer clients to us.

How to get food

You will need a referral form from one of the agencies that can issue vouchers. You can find this information on our website.

Clients can collect their food from 11am to 12pm on Tuesdays and Fridays, when food parcels will be given if you have a referral voucher. You can find us at Old Priory Rooms, Leominster, HR6 8EQ.

An emergency box of food / toiletries can be provided in cases of extreme need (one box per client). One of our partner agencies will need to phone Leominster Food Bank on 07715 410575 to request an emergency food box for a client. We may ask you to collect the box and deliver it to your client. Please do not send clients asking for an emergency box.

Free Food Share

Anyone can come to our Food Bank sessions between 11:30am and 12pm on Tuesdays or Fridays, to access free "food share" fresh food, such as bread, fruit and vegetables. No voucher or appointment is required for this food, but it is dependent on donations that day and cannot be guaranteed.

We also have a free food share on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm at The Old Priory, HR6 8EQ. For further information, visit our website.

Leominster Community Money Advice Connect Centre

We also offer free and confidential advice, to help you consider the different options available if you're experiencing money worries, you're in debt or need assistance with budgeting.  To book an appointment with a Money Mentor, simply call 07563 000862 or e-mail

Talk Community Hub

We are also part of a network of Talk Community Hubs across the county, providing a safe place where you can access information and signposting to local and countywide support, services, activities and groups. This is available every Tuesday and Friday from 11am to 12pm, alongside our food bank.


07715 410575
Leominster Food Bank Facebook page

Additional information

Provided by: Leominster Food Bank
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