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Dream Your Future Families

Helping you overcome challenges, so you can parent at your best.

As a parent or supportive relative it is important to have someone to turn to in times of need. Our range of services for parents, relatives and children 0-5 are designed to help improve your emotional wellbeing and mental health. We understand how the pressures of parenting can add up, especially if you are facing other life difficulties, and we are here to support you.

Whether you are:

- juggling the usual daily ups and downs of life with small children

(Talk Community Hub / Performing Arts For Little Pickles)

- want to learn specific techniques to help you manage your own or your child's emotional wellbeing

(Mindfulness for Kids)

- or need specialised mental health support or are dealing with a life crisis

(Individual Counselling)

we have just the right support for you.

Talk Community Parent Hub - Performing Arts for Little Pickles

At our Talk Community Parent Hub, we provide entertainment for young children and general support and advice for parents. Performing Arts For Little Pickles starts at 10am, where toddlers and preschoolers explore those everyday struggles and big emotions through role play and story. Our counsellor and mindfulness teacher are on hand to offer parents and families a listening ear, professional advice and signposting to other services.

Thursdays 10am-12pm.

Mindfulness for Kids

For parents and young children struggling with fears, worries and anxieties, our Mindfulness for Kids 6-week course takes children 0-5 through a sensory journey of delight to help distract from and reduce worries and stresses. Learn the mindfulness strategies underpinning these activities so you can support your child with their fears and gain confidence in guiding your child through their worries as they get older.

Mondays 10-11am.

Individual Counselling

For parents in crisis, we offer Individual Counselling sessions. Whether you are facing an immediate challenge, or are coming out the other side, our professional counsellor can support you through the difficult emotions, and help you make sense of it all and decide how you want to move forward.

Mondays 1-3pm / Wednesdays 9-11am.

All our services are offered free during school term time. 

If you can afford it, you are invited to make a donation towards Parent Counselling.

Additional information

Provided by: Dream Your Future Families
Autism friendly Children and family friendly Wheelchair and accessibility friendly
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