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Healthy Lifestyle Service

The Healthy Lifestyle team is here for you when you want help and advice about:

  • Eating more healthily
  • Being more active
  • Drinking more sensibly
  • Stopping smoking

It is a free, confidential service that works with you on a one to one basis over a timescale to suit you.

Our aim is to help you take control of the things that are stopping you live a more healthy lifestyle. We aren't Doctors and it's not our job to persuade you into signing up for things that you will never do. We want to give you the space to look at what's going on, why it's not what you want to keep doing and come up with a way to change it.

There is, sadly, no miracle cure for getting your life on track, but there are a lot of things that you can do with the right support.

Our team covers the county so you won't have to go far to see one of us. We have many years of experience that will help you get back on track and stay there!

Additional information

Provided by: Healthy Lifestyle Service Opening times: 09:00-16:00 Cost: Free
If you notice an error in this listing or require a change, please contact us.

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