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St. John's Methodist Church, Hereford

St John's is the largest Methodist church in the County and is situated in the ancient heart of Hereford City. There is a full programme of regular activities and we have many special events throughout the year.
The pattern of our 10:30am Sunday morning worship varies from week to week, but is generally fairly formal. We are working on becoming a fully inclusive church and all are welcome.

We have House Groups which meet about once a month. These all meet in members’ homes and offer a variety of types of fellowship. Some are structured, perhaps following a set course of study, while others operate less formally.
St. John's has a strong sense of its place in the community of Hereford City. Members are deeply involved in community activities. 

Twins and Tots Group
Our Twins and Tots group is a Toddler group for Twins & Tots, parents and carers and meets in St John's Church Hall, St Owen Street, Hereford on Tuesday Mornings. Building on our previous work with TAMBA we can provide peer support to families with young twins. We meet every Tuesday morning between 10am and 12pm during school term time.
Luncheon Club
Our luncheon club meets every Wednesday between 12pm and 2pm, and provides an opportunity for people who might otherwise dine alone to enjoy an excellent lunch with people in a similar situation. Cost: £4

Additional information

Provided by: St. John's Methodist Church, Hereford
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